Mathematics Reflections

Question 1


Write in ascending (least to greatest) order 0.625, 0.25, 0.037, 0.5, 0.125



Question 2


An unknown number n is multiplied by 7 and then 6 is added to the result. The final answer is 41. Write this as a mathematical equation.



Question 3


Write in ascending (least to greatest) order:



Question 4


An athlete ran 3 kilometres (km) in exactly 8 minutes (min). What was her average speed in metres/second (m/s)? Do not round off your answer.



Question 5


If a fair coin is tossed, the probability that it will land heads up is. A fair coin is tossed 4 times and it lands heads up each time. What will happen to the probability of a head when the coin is tossed a fifth time?Will it:

(a)   go down a little

(b)   go down a lot

(c)   stay the same

(d)   go up a little

(e)   go up a lot



Question 6


If 4 times a number is 48, what is one third of the number?


Question 7

The graph shows the time taken (rounded to the nearest whole minute) to travel to school by a group of students.

How many students travel for more than 10 minutes to reach school?




Question 8


A sample of 100 light bulbs is chosen at random from a complete batch containing 3000 light bulbs. When the sample is tested, it is found to contain 5 faulty light bulbs. How many faulty light bulbs would you expect to find in the complete batch?



Question 9


Write an equation using the variables S and P to represent the following statement:


'There are six times as many students as professors at this university.'


Use S for the number of students and P for the number of professors.



Question 10


A rectangular garden bed adjoins a building as shown in the diagram below. The garden bed has a path on 3 sides. What is the area of the path?




Question 11


Two streets in a town have 35 houses (Orange St.) and 21 houses (Lime St.) respectively. This is represented in the pictogram below. How many houses are represented by thesymbol?


Orange Street 35 houses


Lime Street 21 houses



Question 12


Which two of the four triangles below can be classified as "similar triangles"?




Question 13


A lift starts at the first floor of a building. It travels up to the fifth floor, then down to the third floor and back up to the fourth floor. If the floors are 3 metres apart, what total distance did the lift travel?


Question 14


If x = 3, what is the value of ?




Question 15

In the diagram below, find the size of the missing angle (all angles are in degrees).




Question 16


Find the value of x if .


Question 17


Write three fractions that are equivalent to .


Question 18


In the diagram, which angle has a measure closest to 45º?


Question 19


Peter had a bag of marbles. He gave one third of them to Rebecca. He then gave a quarter of the remaining marbles to Jack. If Peter ended up with 24 marbles, how many did he start with?


Question 20


Eleven chips are labelled 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18 and 20 respectively. The eleven chips are placed in a bag and one is drawn out at random. What is the probability that the number on the chip is a multiple of 3?


Question 21


Shade of the grid.



Question 22


The rectangle below is twice as long as it is wide. What is the ratio of the width to the perimeter?


Question 23


Write in simplest form n × n × n


Question 24


If ADE and ABC are both right angled triangles, what is the length of the side AB?


Question 25


Sound travels at approximately 330 metres/second (m/s). A lighting strike was followed 4.5 seconds later by a clap of thunder. How far away did the lightning strike? Give your answer in metres.


Question 26


A pile of salt contains 500 individual crystals and has a weight of 6.5g. What is the average weight of a salt crystal? Give your answer as a decimal without rounding.


Question 27


Laura had $240 but spent five eighths of it. How much money did she have left?


Question 28


A club has 86 members with 14 more female members than male members. How many males and females are members of the club?


Question 29


What is the area of the shaded rectangle if the figure below is a parallelogram?


Question 30


A fertilizer mix contains 200g of nitrate, 300g of phosphate and 600g of potash. What is the ratio of the weight of the nitrate to the total weight of the fertilizer?